3 Basement Waterproofing Methods
When I started my company, AAA Reick's Landscaping and Waterproofing, I began to learn about the different basement waterproofing methods I wanted the best, most dependable mode of keeping a basement dry that would also be affordable for just about anyone who needs this service.
Waterproofing Method #1
The first approach I investigated was a newer procedure, it was the one I nicknamed the "Rodent System". It glues down some sort of plastic strip on to the floor and tries to guide water (that had already entered the home) into the basin, then to be pumped back outside by way of a plastic pipe. These strips can come unglued and the water behind them would leak back onto the floor, soaking the carpet. Nothing about this system seemed to be permanent or dependable and I would not trust my family business with this setup.
Basement Waterproofing Method #2
The second was the basic internal sump pump system. They usually start by going immediately downstairs to measure the floor and see what utilities might need to be moved and or disconnected, do you know a good plumber and electricians? Water heater, water softener, storage racks, washer, dryer. Then they let you know they will need to remove all flooring so the concrete underneath by cutting the concrete and busting it up to be hauled out in buckets. Lots of buckets.There can also be a lot of dust to deal with as their work is being done. Their crews will need to go in and out of your home, sometimes for days at a time. This could result in days off to stay home and add in the plumber, electrician and your overall cost of the project can skyrocket. And this whole time no one has looked OUTSIDE the home to see why the water is ACTUALLY coming in!
Basement Waterproofing Method #3
The end of my journey came when I discovered the external waterproofing systems. This approach deals with the problem at its source, the outside of your home. That is where ALL basement flood water comes from. We can stop water at ground zero before it ever has a chance to enter the home.
The Real Solution To Waterproof A Basement
It all starts from the outside where the real problems are. Our solution starts with a thorough inspection these main areas:
- Visible cracks and holes in the foundation walls.
- Poor grade around the home perimeter (areas that don't drain well).
- Bad concrete walkways and other paved surfaces.
- Problems with low windows and window wells.
- Well rooms (small room usually under front or back steps).
- And other problematic areas
My company, AAA Reick's Landscaping and Waterproofing is a local, family-owned business. I run this company with Integrity, Craftsmanship, and Value. Please call and have your home evaluated today! Here are some photos of recent work.
The Real Problem
[gallery link="file" size="medium" ids="2005,2007,2009,2006,2008,2010"]Call AAA Reick's Landscape And Waterproofing today. We can fix your cracks and holes and waterproof your home from outside without the mess!
CALL TODAY… (612) 369-6626!
North Metro: 612-369-6626