Choosing Plants for Your Minneapolis Landscaping

Your Minneapolis home can have a beautiful landscape if you choose the correct plantings for the right locations. Qualified  landscape companies will identify different areas in your yard that need a specific type of planting that can thrive in that location.Choosing a company who is familiar with Minneapolis hearty plants and their specific areas whether shady, sunny or a mix of both. Location is key to achieving a great outcome in your landscape design.Wet locations can be a great place for a rain gardens. Well built rain gardens can keep unwanted runoff water from reaching the sewer drains and polluting our lakes and streams.Sunny locations are a nice spot for a raised flower garden that draws attention to your home or a wonderful hosta garden in the shady back corner of your yard that's hard to grow anything.Everyone has a different need for their yards and choosing a good landscape contractor to install you plants is going to make all the difference when you pull into the driveway at the end of the day and say " I love the way my yard represents who we are".  AAA Reick's is a local Minneapolis landscape company specializing in landscape design for the past 25 years.CALL TODAY and set up a FREE landscape design consultation. Meet the owner not a sales person! Call Tony at:  or 612-369-6626.


Affordable Minneapolis Landscaping - Free Landscape Design


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