Install a Shade Garden for Your Minneapolis Yard

Hosta Shade Garden - AAA Reick's LandscapingSpring is a great time to think about a yard renovation for your Minneapolis  home. Installing new plantings is good way to add color, texture  and depth to a dark, shady part of the yard. Many Twin Cities homes have large mature trees that don't let in enough sun light for some plants. A shade garden can be just what you need.A local landscape designer will use perennials, shrubs and flowers that thrive in these conditions. Most contractors use wholesale nurseries that list these plants and can incorporate then into landscaping.A shady corner can be highlighted by a low block retaining wall to define the area. A low maintenance hosta  garden can  is installed with  blooming hydrangea bushes for added height behind them. In front of the new garden a small paver patio for coffee in the morning and top it off with a  paver walkway to the door of your home.AAAReick's Landscaping is a local Minneapolis company that specializes in design and installation of quality plant materials. We are available to meet at your home for a FREE consultation. Call TODAY and set an appointment.


Colorful Twin Cities Landscaping


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